Boats is classic storytelling where the magic created unfolds in front of the audience. Jof and Nic enact the story using everyday objects that would be found on a boat’s galley. The sound effects for the show are made live through two microphones, one of which goes in water. Each scene is a unique and highly inventive use of space and puppetry. A boat is made from a piece of bread, and ropes. An island is made from a hat. A circus is made from a jacket. And a storm is made with a teacup.
Boats has acrobatics, physical theatre, object manipulation, story telling, and, of course, the wonderful puppetry that has made Tasmania’s Terrapin Puppet Theatre famous locally and nationally. Boats is a moving work that ultimately tells the story and adventures of Nic and Jof with a twist at the end which will leave a lump in your throat and a smile on your face.
Founded in 1981, Terrapin Puppet Theatre tours locally, nationally and internationally, and is recognised as one of the world’s premier puppetry companies.