Yuendumu Road Safety Song Contest 2011

Northern Territory: Ali Curung, Lajamanu, Milingimbi, Ramingining, Yuendumu
About the poster
In 2010, Artback NT’s Music Touring Program won a three-year tender to deliver a Road Safety Song Contest across the Northern Territory, in partnership with Music NT.
The events proved to be very successful and included the following highlights during 2011 in the following locations:
Yuendumu Songwriting workshops were conducted with Catherine Satour, an Arrernte and Mirning woman from Central Australia. Workshops were also held in Ali Curung, Lajamanu and Yuelumu.
Ramingining Micah Wenitong, Indigenous Music Officer, Music NT delivered songwriting workshops and assisted with studio recordings.
Milingimbi Reggae Dave, a Torres Strait Islander man who moved to the Northern Territory at 19 years of age and Ali Mills, a Larrakia woman from Darwin performed and assisted with songwriting workshops along with Black Bella Music.
The Yuendumu and Yolngu ‘Road Safety Song Contest’ albums were created with 11 tracks and distributed through the communities. The aim was to create awareness and educate people about safety issues on Territory roads.
In 2011, the event was also held in Central Australia. Local bands with the young people from Yuendumu School wrote and performed songs for the album. The eventual winner was Desert Mulga for ‘Sober driver, safe driver’.
About the Album
Title Yuendumu Road Safety Song Contest, 2011
Published Yuendumu, NT: Paw Media, 2011
Medium music | Content Types performed music | Carrier Types audio disc
Physical Description 1 audio disc (CD) (approximately 23 min): digital, stereo; 4 3/4 in
Contents Road Safety | Catherine Satour and Stephanie Harrison, Desert Divas; Don’t drink, don’t drive | Catherine Satour & Stephanie Harrison; Haunted highway |Tableland Drifters; Drunken driver | Yatulu Yatulu Band; Sober driver, safer driver | Desert Mulga; Drive safely | North Side Band; Road safety | Yuendumu School, Catherine Satour and Stephanie Harrison; Don’t want to fall out the window | Yuendumu School and Will Kendrew; Don’t drink, don’t drive | Yuendumu School, Catherine Satour and Stephanie Harrison
Credits Mixed and mastered by Jeffrey McLaughlin; cover art by Jason Japaljarri Woods
Back cover Thanks to: Neil Sarmardin & Debra Strath, Road Safety Officers, NT Government Department of Lands & Planning, Winanjikari Music Centre, Tennant Creek, Artback NT, Desert Divas, Music NT, PAW Media & Communications, Will Kendrew, Yuendumu School, the bands & Yuendumu community